Happy November everyone! For the last couple of years, each November I have invited you to take the November No Buy challenge, where instead of shopping, which is a bigger life theme for many people at this time of year, you invest your time, energy and financial resources into things and activities that give your life a greater meaning and purpose, and ones that actually enrich the mind, heart and soul.

In an effort to “fill” ourselves, experience joy and/or distract ourselves from emotional and spiritual things that need our attention or be dealt with, many people turn to shopping. Yet no item or amount of items ever brings lasting happiness or fills the emptiness that is felt due to our busy, noisy, chaotic and spiritually disconnected societal approach today. This internal calling and desire is on the level of the soul and can never be filled with or satisfied by material items.

As part of the 10 ideas, in the image below, to do instead of shopping, which are effective at satisfying the soul and giving life a greater meaning, purpose and enjoyment, is meditation.

To help you learn the most effective meditation technique, on Saturday November 4 at 4pm ET, I will be offering a live, online, 1-hour class that will teach you all about this ancient and scientifically-proven practice for inner-peace, joy and better physical, mental and emotional health. We will cover how to use and understand this and other meditation techniques, how to overcome common meditation challenges, and make a sustainable meditation practice for yourself. You will also have the chance to experience a 15-min mindfulness meditation practice.

WHEN: Saturday November 4, 2017 from 4pm - 5pm ET (live on that day AND available in recorded format anytime after that day)

WHERE: online (via LearnitLive.com)


COST: Based on a 2-tier donation

  • $10USD, if you feel your financial resources allow for it
  • $5USD, if you have some financial constraints (use coupon code: JPE2CWPU when you register)

Wishing you a meaningful month of November!