With cold and flu season here, here is something important to understand if you don’t already: the germ theory is just that, a theory and upon critical analysis, a poor one. “Germs”, which is a very faulty name given to some bacteria and viruses are NOT the primary causes of the cold or flu, and in truth, we still do not fully understand how viruses work, which are blamed for those states of disease. Yet the pharmaceutical and medical industries will make sure that you live in fear and depend on their toxic cold and flu medicines and risky and ineffective flu vaccines that have you going around in circles like a hamster on a wheel. Your parents, friends, and coworkers will typically be conditioned in the same way, driven by a system of fear and being the drivers themselves of faulty ideas and misinformation.
The only thing that is capable of producing states of disease within us is a systemic imbalance. Such an imbalance is created due to the toxicity in our bodies from consuming the wrong foods and drinks, drugs, polluted air, and overwhelming states of stress. All of this creates inflammation, acidification, calcification, and cell, tissue, and organ damage. When garbage piles up on streets and attracts various living creators, like insects and rodents, we do not blame the insects and rodents for the garbage in the streets and the problems it causes. It is clear that the garbage created a state of imbalance that led to unsanitary and dangerous conditions. Thus, the solution is right in front of us - remove the garbage and prevent the build-up of garbage to prevent such infestations.
A similar situation exists within us. When “garbage” piles up in our minds and bodies, in the form of all the negative and destructive thinking, worries, and anxieties, and harmful ingredients from the foods, drinks, drugs, and lifestyles we choose that work against our bodies, it takes things out of balance, creates all kinds of garbage, and attracts all kinds of unwanted visitors, which the body then tries to clean up and clean out. But to do this, it needs to expel some things, regardless of which body opening they leave through, it often needs to heat things up, increase cleansing substances like mucus, and often try to sedate you so that you do not interfere with the process, as it tries to regain balance.
This is the time to listen to your body and take inventory of your recent lifestyle choices, rather than try to ignore your body and try to medicate away what you consider a “nuisance” or “inconvenience”. This is the time to support your body, rest, eat extra light or fast entirely, and reflect. This is the time to be loving and gentle with yourself, and re-assess your choices going forward.
We are in control of our health and wellbeing, and no entity outside of us can hurt us unless we allow it by not taking care of ourselves properly. Our minds are also prone to the placebo and nocebo effects based on the beliefs we have about the so-called “germs” and how we behave in the presence of someone with cold or flu symptoms. The most infectious things in our world are idea viruses and there is no shortage of faulty ones spread throughout our world.
When we understand the perfection of our human body to defend, protect, repair, and heal itself, and when we grow our awareness and expand our consciousness to understand that the biggest thing we need to defend ourselves from are destructive human thoughts and habits, then we come to understand why foreign, chemical, and toxic substances that the medical and pharmaceutical entities push on us are not the solution to our problems.
To learn more about this topic, I invite you to watch my free video class on YouTube, entitled How to Stay Healthy in Winter.
And for a more science-heavy article that features some of the latest research and videos about this topic, explore Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is Wrong.