EBTV presents host Evita Ochel with special guest Paul K. Chappell – author, former military captain and leadership director for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
The interview covers major topics from Paul’s book, Peaceful Revolution.
Specific topics covered include:
Topics covered in the video include:
Paul shares about his personal journey and story. (2:35)
- growing up in a military household
- personal experience in the military as a soldier
The fallacy of thinking that world peace is impossible and war is a natural part of life (4:40)
- human beings are not naturally violent
- military history
The training and conditioning humans need to go through to be soldiers and be violent. (7:00)
- our natural repulsion to violence and being violent
What does it mean to be human. (9:25)
- exploring the muscles of humanity
The effects of being exposed to violence in childhood, on human beings. (11:55)
- Paul’s personal experience with violence, bullying and oppression
- how violence during childhood impacts us as adults
The role of dehumanization in the continuation of war and violence. (14:05)
- the essential ingredient of every war is dehumanization
- the three types of distancing needed to participate in war
- war propaganda
The madness of attacking and killing one’s own species. (18:00)
- examples from nature how intraspecies destruction is rare
- the importance of cooperation and language within the human species
Our societal obsession with violence in our entertainment choices. (20:30)
- our biological hardwiring to observe violence
- examples from nature in the predator and prey species
- our obsessions with taboo or suppressed topics
- repression of death in our society
- participation in violence when it seems meaningful
- the increasing shock value within our news and entertainment choices
What “Peaceful Revolution” means. (29:00)
- the change possible within the societal mindset
Examples of our muscles of humanity that need to be exercised for world peace. (31:10)
- the role of empathy in our evolution towards peace
What message Paul would offer to the United Nations. (33:35)
What message Paul would offer to young people interested in enlisting in the army. (34:20)
Paul talks about the messages shared in his new, upcoming book “The Art of Waging Peace”. (37:47)
What Paul recommends for every citizen to be a part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. (41:45)