In this mind expanding and thought provoking book, author Anthony Peake presents his usual skillfully laid out research. Through questions and hypotheses he invites us to push the boundaries of all that we think we know to enter new frontiers in understanding ourselves and our Universe.

Time is one of the greatest mysteries for humankind to grasp. For centuries it has challenged the most academic of minds to figure out how it works, or how it is measured. The concept of time has been studied by cultures and individuals since, well for all we know, the beginning of time itself! But was there ever even a beginning? Is time linear? Is time objective? Is it possible to reside outside of time? And what about those of us who claim we can move backwards or forwards in time? Or those of us who have the gift of precognition? How does all this work?

It is concepts like these that author Anthony Peake discusses in his book The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future. In this book he provides the reader with an examination of time from a historical and contemporary perspective. He reviews the philosophy, physics and neurology of the concept we know as time, peeking into its many folds and crevices for answers. Through this book, he takes each of us on an adventure to learn about time, but informs us that despite all that we learn, we may be no closer to truly understanding time. The reason for this has to do with the nature of time itself.

About the Author

The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future is written by Anthony Peake and was published in the spring of 2012.

Anthony Peake is a writer, researcher and lecturer who lives in England. He was educated at Wirral Grammar School, Warwick University and the London School of Economics. He is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychic Research.

Anthony has written several books, and some of his earlier titles include: Is There Life After Death? The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die and The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self.

Anthony has been interviewed by many radio stations and magazines across the world and has appeared on British television. He is also developing a reputation as an engaging and dynamic public speaker having now presented over 100 lectures across the UK, Europe and the USA. In July of 2009 he was a speaker at a prestigious “Platform Event” at the National Theatre in London, and two weeks later he presented a lecture to over 300 people in Manhattan, New York.

To learn more about Anthony and his work, I invite you to enjoy my video interview with him, as well as visit

About the Book

The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future is just over 300 pages and a dense book, packed with lots of facts, quotes, excerpts and information. It is scientific and historical in nature, and thus should be considered an academic-like book.

It has a prologue and introduction from the author, and then reveals the following 12 chapters:

Chapter 1: The Philosophy of Time

This chapter explores how various scholars and philosophers have explained time throughout the ages. From the Greek philosophers to Nietzsche, Leibniz and others, it shows how all the research seems to point to time being cyclical.

Chapter 2: The Eternal Return

In this chapter, Anthony further explores some works of Greek myth, philosophy and popular literature that examine the cyclical nature of time.

Chapter 3: Ousepensky & ‘Self-remembering’

Here Anthony shares about the work of Peter Ouspensky, the writer whose work is heavily influential on the subject of the Eternal Return – the idea of re-living the same life over again, until a point of remembrance. Other themes covered include the dimensions of time and the Akashic records.

Chapter 4: After Ouspensky

This chapter presents the work of pioneers who followed in Ouspensky’s footsteps in the work of the Eternal Now, as well as how time is experienced differently based on each organism’s different metabolic rates, leading to differences in time perception.

Chapter 5: The Physics of Time

This chapter presents the theories and conclusions that various notable scientists reached in the quantum and mainstream fields of physics when it comes to understanding time. This highly science-based chapter explores theories like the Copenhagen Interpretation, Many Worlds Interpretation, and the power of observation in relation to time, leading to conclusions about the subjective nature of time.

Chapter 6: The Subjective Nature of Time

In this chapter, Anthony examines the subjective nature of time and how we each can speed up or slow down the perception of time. The role of the brain with respect to this is also explored.

Chapter 7: The Neurology of Time

In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the neurological connection with respect to our perception of time. Brain anomalies are explored, as well as whether we really do have free will with respect to what we think, say or do. Precognition is introduced, and how do we know in many cases what is to come.

Chapter 8: The Déjà Phenomenon

This chapter explores the various phenomena linked to having the experiences of already having seen, felt, heard or lived something previously, what may cause these and how these may tie into the Eternal Return, as well as our brain function.

Chapter 9: Time in Disarray

This chapter explores the possibility of time slips, such as going both backwards in time and forward in time, and how these incidences can be explained.

Chapter 10: Dreams & Precognition

In this chapter Anthony examines the science and possibility of precognitive dreams, honing in on the work of J.B. Priestly, as well as the work of John William Dunne.

Chapter 11: Time, Dreams & Precognition in Popular Culture

This chapter outlines how the concept of time has been portrayed in some popular culture films and plays. Examples discussed include Groundhog Day and the Butterfly Effect, as well as several of Priestly’s plays.

Chapter 12: A New Model of Time?

This chapter pieces together all of the information presented thus far with Anthony bringing it back full circle for the reader to consider a new take on how we view and understand time.

“Everything really is a single entity; it is just that our minds create separation to enable us to make sense of the universe.”

Anthony Peake, The Labyrinth of Time

Personal Commentary

This was the second book, written by Anthony Peake that I had the pleasure of reading, with the first being The-Out-of-Body Experience. As has become evident through both of these books, Anthony is an author that is both dedicated to serious research and one who also has a skill at bringing together vast research into one flowing dialogue. This book, like the other, presents the reader with a quick summary of hundreds of years of history, science and philosophy regarding the subject at hand. The reader is able to get an overall picture of what has been discovered and learned thus far, along with the possible limitations of the theories.

The purpose of this book as Anthony shares is “ to present a review of time and its mysteries, nothing more.” This is important to note for the interested reader to not build up false expectations about this book. If one is going to read this book with the assumption that Anthony will be presenting some magical conclusion as to how time really works, that is not going to happen. As Anthony shows, from the most ancient times to today’s modern minds, we have yet to come to some Universal consensus on the nature of time and how to make sense of all of its characteristics.

Having said that, it is important to point out that what Anthony presents by incorporating the vast amount of research is a lot of outstanding food for thought as to the nature of time. He makes us think, he makes us question, he presents numerous theories and allows the reader to come to their own conclusions. This in my opinion is very valuable in that it helps to empower us to think for ourselves and build upon current ideas, rather than just accepting others’ information at face value.

From exploring the cyclical nature of time to the highly subjective nature of time, each reader has the opportunity to incorporate the information presented with their own experience. As I discovered for myself, the illusory nature of time appears to be more complex than one may at first imagine. One of the most prominent themes of the book is the idea of the Eternal Return (as shared in About the Book section above). For me this theme offered much contemplation as some of it resonates with my personal work and experience thus far, and yet some pieces just don’t seem to fit as presented by the researchers.

What I enjoyed the most about this book is the vast amount of knowledge and information presented from so many fields of perspective. The reader truly has an enriching experience in how much they can learn, and expand their consciousness on the given subject. As Anthony himself points out, this book reviews the concept of time from the perspective of philosophy, theology, physics, cosmology, neurology, psychiatry and even popular media.

Now as one can imagine, all of the information presented does make for some heavy reading at times as this is not any kind of story or fairytale book. As already mentioned, the key feature of Anthony’s work is the core and in-depth science and research that he presents. Therefore this book will most be enjoyed by those interested in an academic path, science background, or books that are scholarly in nature.

Overall, it is a great book to help us expand our consciousness about the nature of time, reality and our existence. It stretches the boundaries of the ordinary for us, and propels us into the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead. I have no doubt it will be a most compelling read for many that leaves them enriched on numerous levels.

“Time is an illusion and in reality there is no time, just a permanent ‘now’.”

Anthony Peake, The Labyrinth of Time

Book Availability

You can get your copy of Anthony’s new book in your preferred format on Amazon here: The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future.